How Do We Overcome Hard Times?
Overcome Hard Times: Three Tips to Navigate Tough Seasons
Like many people, my husband experienced the devastating impact of the 2008 recession. He was a truck driver who had dedicated many years to the trucking industry in pursuit of a better future.
And when the recession hit, and the market crashed, it came crashing down with his business. You might ask, why am I sharing this? And I’m glad you asked.
This week, I received a unique phone call, and the person calling was thankful that they still had a job. I came to find out that the company where this person worked was laying people off. This person almost got laid off, so she was thankful she kept her job.
But the very same experience left this person feeling some type of way. They didn’t know about their tomorrow. They weren’t sure about being in the very same company next month.
Today, I want to come out here and talk about how to overcome hard times.
The funny thing about tough times is that they happen to all of us, and sometimes they catch us unaware. I don’t know the season this video will find you in, but I wanted to share a couple of tips that have helped me.
I don’t know what season you are in. You may be in your winter season or summer season. Or, you are also in the trucking industry like we were one morning.
Like us, you wake up and don’t have a contract, yet you have a truck you must pay for. I’m talking about big payments here. (The people in the trucking industry know what I’m talking about.)
Maybe for you, it’s your school or your health. Whatever season this video finds you in, I want to share these three tips for when you’re in a tough season and things look bleak.
Maintain the right mindset
Our first tip is to maintain the right mindset and keep hope alive. Keep hope alive that things will get better. We have to understand and believe that things will get better.
Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.~ Romans 12:12
Know you are not alone
The second thing we must do is understand that we are not alone. And that’s what I wanted to tell you today. You’re not alone. Sometimes, when these things happen, we self-isolate, thinking it’s only happening to us. But I want to assure you that it happens to people. It happens to people like you and I. And so I wanted you to know that you’re not alone.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”~ John 16:33
Be grateful for the little things
The third thing I want us to do is find the little things we can be grateful for. Even in the worst of situations, there is something that you can be thankful for.
So I want you to look carefully at your situation. And maybe you’re saying, Maggie, you have no idea. You can’t understand the depth of the mess that I am in. You will never know how I feel.
Even when stuck in a mess, there’s something you can be grateful for. So look carefully in your life for something to give thanks for.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” ~ Philippians 4:6
Final Thoughts on How to Overcome Hard Times
So, there are three things to help you overcome hard times. The first one, we have to maintain the right mindset. We have to keep hope alive that things will get better for us. Second, I want you to know that you’re not alone and that these things happen to people like you and me. And I’m telling you, this too will come to pass. And the third one is we have to look for something to be grateful for. Even in this season, when things are tough, the money is tight, and things are not working out, there is still something that we can be grateful for.