Have you ever felt a nagging sense that you were meant for more? That deep down, God intended for you to be more than you are now?
This feeling was one of the things that led me to the Complete Woman Ministry.
What exactly is the Complete Woman Ministry?
It is an incredible Christian-based ministry led by Pastor Rebecca Mwonga from the International Harvest Church. The ministry offers in-person and virtual monthly teachings for women seeking to flourish in all aspects of their lives.
I was privileged to attend their last meetup, where the theme was leadership.
One of the most powerful lessons I learned was the importance of identifying ourselves correctly and knowing who we are and what we stand for.
When we lead ourselves first, we can lead others in any capacity. Understanding who we are and our purpose empowers us to navigate life’s shifts confidently. When we identify ourselves correctly, we are also not easily moved or influenced by outside forces.
Another important lesson I learned was about being decisive and intentional. In the meeting, pastor Rebecca gave an analogy of the wind. She likened the wind to the seasons of life. Like the wind changes, we must discern when to shift, venture into something new, or end seasons. Sometimes, the wind blows, and we perceive we are to move or do something, but we remain unbothered. To make our season fruitful, we must be intentional and decisive once we know and perceive it’s time to make a change.
Additionally, we must be people of integrity. We must be mindful of our guiding values and principles to succeed in our leadership roles. We can achieve this by aligning ourselves with Godly counsel.
Cultivating patience and trust is another essential factor. Growth is a journey, not a race. While breakthroughs can sometimes happen quickly, lasting change often unfolds gradually. However, by staying committed to our goals and trusting in the process, we can accomplish great things if we do not give up.
Pursue excellence in everything you do, choose to do it well, and glorify God in your space. Remember, becoming a complete woman is a journey, and good things take time.
Leadership is only one of the themes that The Complete Woman explores. The ministry will also help you improve your relationships, wealth, and health.
The Complete Woman Ministry emphasizes that solid relationships are foundational to a fulfilling life. After all, Proverbs 13:20 says, “He who walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm” (NKJV). The ministry often engages in conversations that can help you create healthier relationships founded on God’s wisdom.
The Complete Woman Ministry recognizes that true well-being calls for both physical and spiritual health. As such, one of the themes the ministry touches on is achieving a healthy lifestyle even as you pursue to grow your faith.
The ministry also gets into biblical principles of financial stewardship. Expect to learn more about financial planning, bible principles on generosity investment, and how you can attain true financial freedom.
Pastor Rebecca Mwonga
Choose to Become a Complete Woman
Are you ready to venture out of your comfort zone, step outside the box, and become the woman God created you to be? Check out the full women’s ministry at for more details. Also, follow their Facebook page @Thecompletewomanministry and their YouTube channel to get notifications about their upcoming meetings.
Rebecca Mwonga
Pastor Rebecca Mwonga is the founder and leader of the Complete Woman Ministry at the International Harvest Church.