When You Get Sick and Tired of Fear Writing Your Story
Let me be honest: I don’t have all the answers and haven’t figured it all out. But I know what it’s like to feel sick and tired, gripped by fear, and caught in a relentless sorry cycle where something keeps bugging you until you’re done. And if I hadn’t reached that point, I might still be stuck there.
Over two years ago, I wasn’t in a good place.
I was doing life as usual, going through the motions, but deep down, I knew there was something I had always wanted to do: start as an empowerment hub for women.
I had dreamed about it for a long time, yet I kept putting it off. I told myself all sorts of stories to justify why I wasn’t doing it. These stories made me feel better for a moment but worse in the long run.
The more I validated my inaction, the more terrible I felt. I was unhappy — deeply so. I had reached my lowest point. But even amidst all that, I still had this burning desire to try.
The day I decided to act, fear and all its mothers were waiting for me. Let me tell you, it wasn’t pretty. I faced all kinds of fears: failing, fear of no one resonating with my work, lack of following, and some other made-up fears you can’t imagine.
People told me I wasn’t qualified. They said I didn’t have the experience, the degree, the platform, or the connections. And they were right. I didn’t have any of those things.
What I did have was the courage to take up my cross and try anyway. I was willing to be a fool, to be judged, misunderstood, and even laughed at, but I was determined to give it a shot for me—not for anyone else, just for me—because I realized something crucial: no one was coming to save me.
That decision I made that fateful morning was my ticket to my freedom and empowerment. I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. It was incredible.
And so, I started confronting my fears head-on. I had doubts about commitment, about showing up daily, about the possibility of failing. Yet, despite these formidable obstacles, I decided to give myself a chance.
Oh boy, my first video? It was a complete mess. Did I mention how messy it was? I recorded and deleted it several times before I finally hit publish.
But you know what?
I conquered myself that day. I conquered the fear and the excuses that had been holding me back.
Fast forward two years, and I’m still here. My work doesn’t have a massive following, but that’s okay. The real victory is what it did for me. I am finally doing what I have always wanted, and it aligns with my values and principles.
Quite frankly, I enjoy doing it. Something that was not shoved down my throat by my parents or suggested to me by friends or family who have no idea what my desires are.
So, here’s why I’m sharing this with you. 2024 is almost over. If you don’t decide to change, nothing will change. Only make new resolutions when you have addressed the old ones you keep avoiding.
You know those wild ideas you’re too afraid to share, fearing ridicule or judgment. That book you dream of writing, the song waiting to be published, the side hustle brewing in your mind, or even that simple goal of saving for a piece of land—these will only become a reality when you’re finally sick and tired of letting fear hold you back.
So, what’s ticking you off lately?
Please drop a comment below, and let’s talk about it. This could be the moment you decide to change your life.
Thanks for sharing Maggie.
Thank you for the support. Really appreciate it!