Unlock Your Next Level With Enabling Grace
2025 is still relatively new, and it’s not too late to share a word we will stand on personally and as a brand. At the heart of this year’s message is Enabling Grace—the transformative power that empowers us to rise above challenges and unlock the extraordinary. But before we dive deeper into this, let me introduce you to the man behind the message.
Meet Apostle David Karanja, a dynamic and humorous preacher from Georgia. He founded Christ Harvesters Global Outreach Ministries in Georgia and ministers alongside his wonderful wife, Teresia. At a recent IHC Awakening conference in Dallas, Apostle David shared a powerful message on the theme “Grace Upon Grace.”
I’ve heard about Grace before, but not like this. Not in the way Apostle David taught it.
This message shook me, and I’ll tell you why. It’s the way he started. He brought it down to the community level and made it real and relatable to our lives.
Many, if not all, of us live with a scarcity mindset—a belief that if someone else succeeds, there’s no room for you. It often feels like when others are blessed and elevated, we are somehow demoted. The idea that someone else’s light diminishes your own is a big lie. But here’s the truth: When we embrace Enabling Grace, we realize there’s no limit to what God can do through each of us and for us.
We can all thrive. We can plan to meet at the top, with no one feeling left out because this grace is available to those who believe, and the giver of this grace cannot be depleted. I was stunned.
He went further: Someone else doesn’t have to lose for you to win. We can all win. One Church does not have to close for another Church to get members. We can all remain open. Look around; plenty of clubs open, and all those people are potential believers. We can all succeed and shine at the same time. It was refreshing. Abundance is real, my friend!
Let that sink in for a moment.
Have you ever felt some way when another person was blessed, and you were still waiting for the same miracle? What was your reaction? Sit tight and keep reading—this is a no-judgment zone.
There are two types of grace.
The first is saving grace, which makes us children of God. Salvation is already provided through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The responsibility of those desiring to have only appropriated this grace by faith. I have nothing to do with it. It’s a gift, and I’ll leave it at that. But the second kind? That’s what I want to talk about: Enabling Grace.
He described Enabling Grace as what gives you “color”—a beautiful work of redemption. Without it, we are still saved but lack something admirable or impactful. Sure, we’re going to heaven, but there’s no evidence of God’s transformative power here on earth.
Enabling Grace, he said, beautifies our lives.
It validates our salvation and helps us do things that are otherwise undoable. When men say it cannot be done, this Grace enables us to make it happen. We become God’s witnesses and validators of what is available to saints when we access this grace. It is a powerful truth that enabling grace transforms us into capable and empowered individuals.
Think of it like a tiny car jack, a machine that lifts heavy tracks. Despite its small size, this machine can move hefty loads. In the same way, God’s Enabling Grace empowers us to achieve the unimaginable by giving us leverage. It is not by might or individual strength but by the enabling grace of God.
Apostle David Karanja at the IHC Awakening conference
Related: The Beauty of a Story Redeemed by Grace
This grace makes you a sign and a wonder.
Apostle David shared that Enabling Grace will make people think you’re involved in something shady or consulting witches because you do things beyond the norm. People can’t handle it. They’ll poke and prod, coming up with stories, forgetting you’re simply leveraging this Enabling Grace.
He shared how he and the Church he serves experienced this Enabling Grace firsthand during a difficult season. It was a challenging decade in the wilderness—ten years of isolation, failure, and rejection, during which many of his friends left. But God’s Grace turned things around in ways no one could have imagined.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, when many churches struggled to stay open, Christ Harvesters Global Outreach (the church he serves) acquired an 8.25-acre property next to one of the largest universities in Georgia. The property was valued far beyond its listed price of $1.5 million. The Church needed $429,000 to close the deal as a down payment.
In the height of the pandemic, when gatherings were limited and funds were scarce, the congregation raised $269,000 in just one and a half hours—an extraordinary feat.
He continued to marvel at the miracle. “It wasn’t the big givers or external donors who made it happen. It was Enabling Grace at work. People gave sacrificially, and the impossible became possible.”
But the miracles didn’t end there.
The bank approved the loan for the property purchase without proof that the Church had the downpayment required to close the property.
This extraordinary favor, he explained, could only be attributed to the Grace of God at work.
Enabling Grace is merited.
This Enabling Grace helps us achieve the extraordinary and gives us the strength to obey, even when it doesn’t make sense. It reassures us that everything works out for good because God is in control.
Apostle David shared a personal experience to illustrate this truth.
Before acquiring their church property, Apostle David traveled to Kenya, where a friend invited him to a Church groundbreaking ceremony. The Holy Spirit prompted him to give the Church a large sum.
Two days after his obedience, Apostle David received an email from a realtor informing him that the property prophesied to them as a Church in 2019 in a TWEM Atlanta conference had been found and was available.
While Grace is freely given, obedience allows us to access and experience its full power.
Without Enabling Grace, you have no results.
If you don’t have this grace, your life will feel helpless and like you are cursed. You’ll keep telling yourself the same old sad story: “My father’s house is like that,” or “The economy isn’t favoring us.”
But Enabling Grace?
It breaks chains that have held you back for generations. It will make you an exception. I am not saying there will be no battles, but the same grace will veto them and make you rise above.
Related: The Beauty of a Story Redeemed by Grace
Enabling Grace is not for a chosen few.
It’s a gift that is open to all believers. It can open doors you have never imagined, lift you to heights that even your peers will say you don’t deserve, or insinuate you are consulting with witches to outsource help.
The best part is that this grace is limitless, and we all can embrace it.
As Apostle David said, when we work this grace, our results will speak for themselves.
This is the grace we should seek to be fulfilled in the year ahead. It will strengthen us, light over every darkness in our lives, uplift us, and equip us to thrive in our God-given purposes.
As we approach the end of January 2025, the first month of the year, reflect on this:
Are you embracing the Enabling Grace?
Let enabling grace shape this year and empower you to achieve your goals.