Trust the Process: Why the Best Things in Life Take Time
My people, please gather here—let’s chat a little.
How many of you have cooked githeri (the African delicacy made of maize and beans)?
Now, God help you if you’re using dried maize!
You’ll be waiting at least six hours before you can serve.
Let’s talk about trusting the process because, like githeri, the best things in life take time.
But I’ll be honest, waiting is hard these days. Technology has spoiled us with instant results.
If you don’t feel like cooking, you order out. Some are lucky enough to have food delivered or can just drive through and grab a meal. We don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen anymore.
Instant everything.
And if we had it our way, we would push for instant success! And while the angels are at it, deliver some instant miracles.
We’ve become so accustomed to instant gratification that we struggle when waiting, whether in a long line at a store or for something bigger in life that takes a long time. This idea that we should have everything right now is doing more harm than good.
Allow me to explain.
If we’re not careful, many of us will start feeling left behind and unable to measure up simply because we’re comparing ourselves to what we see on social media.
Unfortunately, not everything we see online is as perfect as it seems. The flawless images, the ideal success stories—no one checks what’s real and what’s not.
Please note. Not all success is fake, but if we are not careful, we can be tempted to compare ourselves to others, and this can make us feel inadequate and forget our journey.
We start believing we’re falling behind, not working hard enough, that God isn’t answering our prayers fast enough, or worse—that we’re just not capable.
So today, I want to remind you to trust the process.
Hard work and struggles are part of the journey. It’s okay to fail; it’s okay not to get it the 100th time. Mistakes don’t mean you are a failure. Learn from them and grow.
Dear ones, if you look at mistakes the right way, they will make you stronger.
Anyone who tells you success is easy isn’t being truthful. You need to go through the process to be prepared for the blessings your efforts will bring.
Look at the young man in the Good Book who asked for his inheritance and left home. He wasted it all and eventually took a job tending to pigs.
Why? He had no regard for it because he had never experienced the struggle or pain his father went through while acquiring wealth.
There is something powerful about going through the process—something you can’t buy.
It gives you resilience, wisdom, and strength that no one can take away from you.
It becomes a part of your story as you prayerfully believe God every step of the way. A story that only you can tell.
Those late nights putting in the work for your gig. The hours spent studying for that exam. The sting of rejection when your ideas are dismissed. The frustration of hearing “no” over and over again.
All of it is building you.
It’s giving you the grit to withstand the weight of what’s coming: your breakthrough.
So this week, whatever season you’re in, don’t wish for it to be easier.
As Jim Rohn would say, “Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better.”
That means trusting the process when people doubt you, when you’re failing, when there are no results to show, when the doors seem closed, and when you get those nos repeatedly.
Use every challenge to grow and refine yourself.
Trust the process!
Until next time, have an empowered day.